Thank you for your submission!
We will get in touch with you shortly should we require anything further.
It’s that time again, the festive season. We are here to help with the setting up of phone diversions and voicemails.
Simply fill out the form and we will get everything setup for you.
Please note all requests for diverting and voicemail recordings need to be lodged with GoBiz team before the 20th of December.
If requests are made after this date there will be no guarantee that the job will be able to be completed.
We will get in touch with you shortly should we require anything further.
Our people will be taking the opportunity to spend some quality time with their families and friends over the festive season. The offices will be closed from mid-day Friday,
20 December 2024 and returning to normal operations at
8am Monday, 6 January 2025.
During this closure, Graeme Ross will be on call for
CRITICAL ISSUES ONLY on 021 941 582.
For non-critical issues, please lodge a ticket at and the ticket will be addressed from the 6th of January 2025
Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to working
with you in the New Year.